Friday, October 27, 2006

Pam over at Pam's Houseblend had a nice summary of the ripples spawned by the NJ Supreme Court's decision. Did you know Bush is in favor of civil unions? Me neither.

My favorite part of the post is a quote from Angie Paccione (D-CO) who is running for Congress against that unholy mess Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO) who sponsored the Federal Marriage Amendment.

"I think that's the ideal environment for children to be raised," Musgrave said, of opposite-sex marriage.

The remark got a smattering of applause but Paccione's response was quick earning her wide clapping and several cheers.

"You want to protect marriage, you know what's a threat to marriage? Divorce is a threat to marriage," she told the crowd of about 1,000

"You know what else is a threat to marriage? Infidelity is a threat to marriage. Domestic violence is a threat to marriage. Losing your job is a threat to marriage. Marriage is not a threat to marriage. I support equality."

"Marriage is not a threat to marriage," kind of sums it up. And if I'm not mistaken, poverty is indeed the biggest threat to marriage. Maybe that's a war progressive and conservative Christians can fight together.


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