John felt a cold coming on the other night on the way home from a party so we stopped by the drugstore for some Vitamin C. I waited in the car for him (yes, I should have gone in to buy it for him. I can't remember what excuse I had ready for not doing so). When he got back in he said he got the flavored chewable kind of vitamin and asked me if I wanted one. I like a good chewable vitamin. I think of them as healthy Sweet Tarts. He handed me one, and as I put it in my mouth I remember thinking it was strange for a chewable vitamin to be so big and capsule-shaped.
Biting into it was like eating concentrated lemon powder mixed with aspirin. Turns out it was just a regular vitamin. At first I didn't realize it wasn't supposed to taste that way. I just remember thinking this is why I don't buy more generics. But when I couldn't swallow I asked John if he was sure these were chewable. He looked at the label, "Oh, I guess they're not. They were right next to the chewable ones though."
Biting into it was like eating concentrated lemon powder mixed with aspirin. Turns out it was just a regular vitamin. At first I didn't realize it wasn't supposed to taste that way. I just remember thinking this is why I don't buy more generics. But when I couldn't swallow I asked John if he was sure these were chewable. He looked at the label, "Oh, I guess they're not. They were right next to the chewable ones though."
That really made me laugh out loud. I can totally picture John just casually saying that he guessed they weren't chewable.
I can't even stand the taste of vitamins when I get just a hint of flavor as I'm chasing them down with a pre- and post-swallow of water. Yuck. So sorry for your misfortune! I guess that's what you get for not going in to get the Vitamin C for John. :)
Oh I'll definetly be going in next time. Actually John felt really bad, or at least said he did. It could have been a passive agressive form of punishment, but that sounds more like something I would do.
I agree Jennie, too funny. In fact, your blog entry was not only more entertaining, but better written than the stack of papers I've been grading all day from college juniors and seniors.
Not too discourage your Vitamin C ingestion, but I've been reading in all the random medical related literture I seem to get my hands on that Vitamin C is out and Acidopholus is in for preventing colds and shortening their duration. Troy, Acidopholus would be the substance I forced you to go on an extended Whole Foods hunt for back in May and kindly received a free box from one of the staff when
they didn't have the brand I wanted.
I too have heard of the acidophilus wonder...and besides, too much Vitamin C goes out with your pee, pee, pee. Don't forget our office favorite for fighting the cough/cold onset...
"Emergen-C". Available at your local hip grocer.
So funny! "They were right next to the chewable ones, though." hehehe. Jon.
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