The Smythe Family Wednesday Weigh Down
So I e-mailed my mom and she told my sister and brother-in-law and they decided they wanted in on the act, too.
The "Get There" Challenge
All five of us ante up 30 bucks. The first person to lose 10% of their body weight wins the pot. We decided on a percentage rather than a specific amount. Mom is not interested in having her weight posted on the web. Actually she doesn't want to tell anyone her weight, including us (I don't know what that is about, she doesn't really have THAT much to lose). I was willing to work on the honor system, but dad said we wouldn't have a way of knowing if mom cheated or not. For those of you who don't know my mom, when it comes to our family, she would be the last person to cheat at a game. My dad, however, would be the first (project much?), followed by me, and then my sister. Anyway, all that to say, you won't be seeing my mom's weight on here. I refuse to attach shame to weight (I think of it in terms of health and more clothing options) so I'm fine with telling you that I weighed in at 222.
The "Make it Last" Challenge
Everyone maintains their goal weight until the last person reaches theirs. Then, anyone who maintains their weight for six months after that gets some sort of prize. Actually, I haven't given the second challenge much thought, so I don't have the whole prize thing figured out. Growing Sense readers are welcome to offer suggestions.
Each Wednesday, will be Weigh Down Wednesday. I'll post a question or struggle and at least my family should post responses, this is our way of checking in. Other people are certainly welcome to offer support and perspective as well. And hey, if you want to join in the game, just let me know!
For the record, doing this on the web goes against everything I believe about making weight-loss efforts public (a sure way to jinx things), but I'm throwing caution to the wind and goin' for it anyway!